• Vision and mission

    Vision and mission


    Positioning Jordan As A Globally Competitive Trading Nation


    Development and promotion of diversified and competitive Jordanian exports worldwide

  • Services Provided to Counterparts Services Provided to Counterparts

    Do you work in business support organization (a trade promotion agency, a government body, NGO involved in trade development or another)? Join hands with JCI today to reach your bull's-eye.

    Technical support

    Do you plan to implement such projects or initiatives related to the exports and you need a networking services with the industrial sector or Specialized technical staff? Contact us to discuss your ideas.
    Share your projects / Ideas

    Provide information to support the decision:

    JCI can provide you with the needed information such as: Priority sectors, market information studies, products and producers, and technical analysis of sector performance
    Check our Data

    More Information

    Please feel free to contact us for further information or to discuss the possibilities of a potential cooperation.
    Contact us
  • Services Provided to Buyers Buyer services

    Are you interested in importing from Jordan?

    JCI can put you in touch with reliable, certified sellers for ding business outside Jordan.
     Information and assistance for international importers who want to find opportunities in Jordan.

    Opportunities in Jordan

    Are you looking for sourcing opportunists in Jordan? JCI have published several studies that might help you.
    Opportunities in Jordan

    Networking services with Jordanian exporters

    And Meet sellers at trade fairs or other events
    Contact us

    Jordanian exporters database

    If you are searching for Jordanian exporters actual and reailble database
    Jordanian exporters database
  • Services provided to exporters Services provided to exporters

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