• Vision and mission

    Vision and mission


    Positioning Jordan As A Globally Competitive Trading Nation


    Development and promotion of diversified and competitive Jordanian exports worldwide

  • Export readiness Ready for export?

    Ready for export?

    Export Readiness Assessment

    This test makes you discover your willingness to export. It is a tool to highlight the strengths and weaknesses areas, to assess your willingness to export and to identify the export capacity gap. In addition to the simple instructions that will help you prepare your own export plan. The test consists of 20 questions and will take approximately 10 minutes to finish. Upon completion, you will receive the result and general recommendations that will be sent to your email.

  • Explore Trending Markets Explore Trending Markets

    Explore Trending Markets

    Integrated market studies; Which were prepared according to the most prominent international methodologies; Similar to the World Trade Organization. It works at the expense of the untapped from Jordanian exports and identifies the target countries by measuring the sizes of supply and demand in them, taking into account customs and non-tariff barriers in different countries. It provides comprehensive information on each market and from various aspects, through technical analysis of the requirements and characteristics of the most prominent target international markets, by analyzing consumer behavior, the most prominent imports in those countries, the most prominent export opportunities for Jordanian products in these markets, and what are the requirements for exporting each product. This is in addition to studying competitors, and mechanisms for finding buyers.

    Market studies
  • Develop you export readiness Develop you export readiness

    Develop you export readiness

    An integrated system of interconnected services to raise the export technical competencies through the following services:


    The Chamber works to promote industrial exports by stimulating its large assets, by enabling industrial companies to overcome some of their obstacles and small details, which are b

  • Export To International Markets Export To International Markets

    Explore Trending Markets

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